In an effort to complete their full attic restoration program, PCI Introduces KaiBosh Disinfectant. KaiBosh™ is a concentrated, no-rinse, disinfectant cleaner that disinfects, cleans, and deodorizes in one labor-saving step. Its phosphate-free formulation effectively cleans, deodorizes, and disinfects areas of importance in controlling cross-contamination. It is a complete chemically balanced non-acid disinfectant/sanitizer that rinses freely, leaving behind no grit or soap scum.

KaiBosh is the ideal choice for disinfecting a home’s attic after removing soiled insulation damaged from pest presence and prior to installing a fresh layer of EPA-registered TAP® Pest Control Insulation. Offering attic restoration services featuring TAP® Pest Control Insulation has been a successful business line for pest control companies across the nation for years. “We have never had a product we felt comfortable offering until now,” shares Jay Mancin, COO of Pest Control Insulation, “KaiBosh delivers the level of disinfection our providers and their customers have demanded.” KaiBosh joins the newly released SmartTowel™ as part of the PCI’s disinfectant line. Learn more at Soil and contaminants… Put the KaiBosh™ to them!
See the full article on PCT Magazine online.
See the full article on PMP Magazine online.
Contact PCI if you have any questions or would like to get a discounted quote for larger orders.