
We don’t usually consider anything about bugs fun. However, there are many unique and fascinating facts about common household pest that may inspire you to dig deeper into the bug and rodent world.

  1. An ant can lift 20 times its own body weight.  If a 175 pound man had the comparative strength of an ant, he could lift four tons.
  2. The largest Formosan termite colony found in America had infested a public library in Algiers, LA. It weighted 600 pounds and contained 70 million termites.
  3. A cockroach can live a week without its head. The roach only dies because without a mouth, it can’t drink water and dies of thirst.
  4. Bed bug hatchlings are so small they can pass through a stitch-hole in a mattress.
  5. Black Widow spider silk was used for making the cross hairs in bomb sites of World War II aircraft.
  6. On many butterflies the color is only an illusion. The color we perceive is created by refraction of the light as it reflects off the surface of the scale.
  7. Male mosquitoes do not bite humans, but rather live on plant juices and other natural liquids from plants and decomposing organic material.
  8. Caterpillars may have over 4,000 separate muscles.  Humans have only 792.
  9. Mexican “Jumping” Beans jump because of a moth larva living inside each one.

Now, test your friends on their insect knowledge and be the expert in your social circles.

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