An Environmentally Friendly Home

Many customers share that EPA-registered TAP® Pest Control Insulation creates an environmentally friendly home for them. But, just what does that entail, and how much of an improvement can adding insulation truly provide? The answer is in the product’s science. 

Insulation in General

Before one can understand how insulation creates an environmentally friendly home, it is necessary to begin with the different ways heat flows through a structure. Heat moves from areas of high temperature to areas of low or lower temperature. This is why so many architects, builders, and energy efficiency consultants are concerned with sealing a home. Warm air leaking from the home’s structures through open sources such as cracks around windows and doors, holes in the sheet rock, or through the ceiling of under insulated or non-insulated homes is not a good energy efficient practice. 

Heat moves or transfers in three ways: conduction, convection or radiation. Let’s look at each of these individually for a moment. 

Conduction Heat Transfer

The transfer of heat via conduction occurs when two substances are in direct contact with one another. The pace of the transfer depends on how good a conductor of energy the material or materials are. When air is heated up, the particles in the air vibrate and move faster speeding up the transfer of heat. 

Convection Heat Transfer

Typically dominating in the realm of fluids (such as air), the transfer of heat via convection happens by the movement of fluids. According to the website, ScienceDirect.com, “Heat convection occurs to the surface of an object where the surrounding fluid of object is heated and moved energy away from the source of heat. Convective heat transfer occurs when the surface temperature differs from that of surrounding fluid.”

Radiation Heat Transfer

Heat transferred by radiation travels at the speed of light in the form of electromagnetic waves. Direct contact is not needed for the transfer of heat to occur. Consider the roof of your home during a hot, summer afternoon. The heat from the sun is transferred by radiation to the roof and on into the attic space. An attic under insulated or not insulated at all can heat up causing the home’s cooling system to work much harder to maintain its internal temperature in the living spaces of the home. 

TAP® Pest Control Insulation Is Better at Energy Efficiency

The ingredients in TAP® Pest Control Insulation help set it apart as an energy efficient upgrade to your home. TAP Pest Control Insulation is produced by grinding-up and  exploding old newspapers into small enough pieces where the paper fibers begin connecting to create small air pockets within the insulation. These small air pockets and the unique characteristics of the cellulose paper fibers are the key to the superior performance of TAP® Pest Control Insulation.

Combine this with the addition of permanent pest control created by the addition of pure-grade orthorboric acid (boron), and you have one amazing energy efficient product that protects your home’s energy costs from sky rocketing, protects the structure of your home from the threat of pests, and creates a more energy efficient comfort for the home’s occupants. 

Depending on the area of the country in which your home resides, the addition of TAP® Pest Control Insulation can save up to 30% on annual heating and cooling costs. Now, that is savings back in your pocket. Without a doubt, EPA-registered TAP® Pest Control Insulation can create a more environmentally friendly home for many years to come.

Click here to learn more about TAP® Pest Control Insulation or contact us today! 

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