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Amazing Insect Facts
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#1. There are 1.4 billion insects for every human on Earth.
#2. Most insects are mammals.
Most insects hatch from eggs.
#3. Insects breathe through their mouths just like humans do.
Insects do not breathe through their mouths, but through holes in their exoskeletons.
#4. Insects live in almost every habitat on Earth.
#5. The belgica antarctica is the only insect indigenous to Australia.
The belgica antarctica is the only insect indigenous to Antarctica.
#6. It is estimated that there are around 30 million species of insects on Earth, though only about 900,000 are known.
#7. The lifespan on insects is typically 5 years.
The lifespan of insects is typically less than a year.
#8. Insects are warm-blooded.
Insects are cold-blooded.
#9. Most adult insects die off in the winter.
#10. All insects go through the same basic life cycle: egg, larvae, pupae, adult.
#11. Insects evolved from monkeys.
Insects evolved from crustaceans.
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1 to 3 Correct Answers
Novice. Study up as your home may be in danger.
4 to 6 Correct Answers
Aware. You seem to have knowledge to benefit your wallet.
7 to 8 Correct Answers
Knowledgeable. You have got Termites’ number or really know how to take a quiz.
9 to 10 Correct Answers
Professional Entomologist. Your degree is serving you well.
#1. How many years have termites been around?
Correct Answer: C. Termites have been known to be on Earth for approximately 200 million years.
#2. How many termites manage to live in one subterranean termite colony?
Correct Answer: D. Subterranean termite colonies can contain between 60,000 to 1 million termites (i.e., soldiers, reproductives, workers, and a queen).
#3. Which species of termite causes the most structural damage annually?
Correct Answer: D. Subterranean termite damage outweighs the damage of the other termite species annually in the U.S. Subterranean Termites focus on foundations of buildings, wooden beams, and sub-flooring. They can also be found in all locations of the home including the attic.
#4. How much can a colony of subterranean termites consume in two hours?
Correct Answer: A. Subterranean Termites can consume the equivalent of one cup of sawdust in as little as two hours.
#5. What are the signs that your home may be infested with Formosan Termites?
Correct Answer: B. The presence of Formosan Termites is marked by any mixture of the following: mud tubes, shedded wings, fecal pellets, and damaged wood. One other sign of Formosan Termites is swarming reproductive termites on window sills or near indoor lighting at night.
#6. What is Frass?
Correct Answer: D. Drywood termite droppings are an initial sign that your home may be infested with Drywood termites. Frass are tiny, hexagonal wood-like pellets of excrement.
#7. How many individual termite species have entomologists identified?
Correct Answer: B. There are approximately 2,000 known species of termites in the world today actively working to invade your home.
#8. The mud tubes created by Formosan Termites are constructed for:
Correct Answer: A. Formosan termites are fragile insects that can easily be killed by low humidity and high temperatures. Therefore, they construct a shelter to protect themselves from the elements. When an active tube is broken open, it will be filled with termite workers and soldiers.
#9. Which two types of termites cause the most damage annually?
Correct Answer: C. Formosan and Subterranean account for 90% of all termite damage in the U.S. each year.
#10. Termite swarmers are:
Correct Answer: C. There is no discrimination among who plays what role in a termite colony with the exception of the Queen. Swarmers can be both male and female.
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Centipedes vs. Millipedes
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#1. Which insect has two pairs of legs per body segment?
Millipedes have two pairs of legs per body segment, while Centipedes have one pair of legs per body segment.
#2. Which insects are carnivores?
Centipedes are carnivores. They eat other insects, and in some cases, larger animals, such as frogs, mice, and lizards. On the other hand, Millipedes are herbivores and detritivores, which means they compose decomposing plant matter. They are also known to hang around ant colonies to eat waste left by the ants.
#3. Which insect curls into a ball to protect their softer undersides?
Millipedes do not have pincers. Instead, they curl into a ball to protect their softer undersides. Some Millipedes may also have glands that excrete a caustic or irritating liquid to deter predators. On the other hand, Centipedes have two poisonous pincers on their heads that they use to immobilize or kill their prey. Their bites are not typically fatal to humans, but can prove very painful and can cause an allergic reaction.
#4. Which insect can move more quickly?
Centipedes are able to move very quickly in order to catch their prey and escape their predators. Millipedes move much more slowly. Their legs may not enable them to quickly escape predators, but their large number of small legs allow them to burrow powerfully.
#5. Which insect only has one set of antennae?
Millipedes have only one set of antennae, located on their heads. They have much better eyesight than Centipedes do. Centipedes have two sets of antennae—one pair on their head and the other at their backends. These antennae help Centipedes make up for their poor eyesight.
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We know that this time is uncertain and online educational resources are a necessity to continue learning outside of the classroom. To help you, we’ve created some of our own resources that can be found above as well as several outside resources listed below!
Educational Resources
Though we don’t always want to think about or look at pictures of creepy crawly critters, it is important to educate children on why bugs and insects can be important and how to identify them. We collected a few online resources for lesson planning or sharing with your students to teach them about bugs and insects. Check them out:
For Parents
Reading Materials
10 Home Improvement Projects to Work on During Quarantine
Protect Your Family’s Health
Though this quarantine isn’t ideal, it is important to protect your health and the health of your family. Once you get tired of watching Netflix, here are 10 home improvement projects that you can work on while you have the extra time!
As we exist in this time of uncertainty during this COVID-19 global pandemic, the most important thing is understanding how to protect your family’s health.
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