
Welcome to All About Bugs, a learning resource for school-aged children, teachers, and adults. Test your knowledge, complete a coloring/activity page, check out some of our favorite educational resources, and check out our latest blog posts!

Learn About Insects Bugs!

Amazing Insect FactsTest Your Knowledge!


Test Your Knowledge!

Centipedes vs. MillipedesTest Your Knowledge!

Coloring & Activity Pages

Simply click one of the options below to download and print!

Activity Sheet Solutions:
Word Search

For Teachers

We know that this time is uncertain and online educational resources are a necessity to continue learning outside of the classroom. To help you, we’ve created some of our own resources that can be found above as well as several outside resources listed below!

Educational Resources

Though we don’t always want to think about or look at pictures of creepy crawly critters, it is important to educate children on why bugs and insects can be important and how to identify them. We collected a few online resources for lesson planning or sharing with your students to teach them about bugs and insects. Check them out:

Pest World For Kids Logo
Scholastic Logo
TeacherVision Logo

For Parents

Reading Materials

Home Improvement Projects

10 Home Improvement Projects to Work on During Quarantine

Wash Your Hands

Protect Your Family’s Health

Though this quarantine isn’t ideal, it is important to protect your health and the health of your family. Once you get tired of watching Netflix, here are 10 home improvement projects that you can work on while you have the extra time!

As we exist in this time of uncertainty during this COVID-19 global pandemic, the most important thing is understanding how to protect your family’s health.


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