Installing TAP® Pest Control Insulation for your pest control customers is a fantastic add-on service that helps protect their home from pests while helping them to save on their annual heating and cooling costs. It is also a great revenue builder for your business. However, consider these tips when installing TAP® Pest Control Insulation:
1. Protect the home’s ventilation. When installing TAP® Pest Control Insulation in the attic of a home, it is always wise to ensure that the attic can breathe. Attics that do not have proper ventilation will face moisture build up that can lead to a host of other expensive problems. We recommend the use of gable or ridge vents. However, if the attic is ventilated with soffit or continuous soffit vents, use cardboard or styrofoam baffles to protect the air transfer in and out of the attic. A quick rule of thumb is to add a baffle to every other rafter by stapling the baffle into place. To protect the insulation from escaping, use a piece of fiberglass insulation as a plug.
2. Calculate the correct R-value. Whether you are installing an attic cap (blowing insulation directly on top of the existing insulation) or a full install of TAP® Pest Control Insulation, be sure to calculate the correct R-value based on the U.S. Department of Energy‘s recommended R-values. Feel free to use our handy bag calculator to make your job simple.
3. Use the Three-Inch Rule. Be sure to build a three-inch barrier around all heat-producing devices such as chimneys, attic fans, flues, and recessed lights. While insulations, like TAP® Pest Control Insulation, pass very strict flammability tests, you always want to adhere to the three-inch rule.
4. Install an Attic Card (warranty). Once the job is complete, it is important that an attic card is installed just inside the attic’s entrance. The attic card contains the R-value and inches installed as well the type of insulation installed, your contact information, and any warranty information available. TAP® Attic Cards can be downloaded from the TAP® Member Site.
For more information on installing TAP® Pest Control Insulation for your customers or to locate a provider of TAP® Pest Control Insulation near you, contact us today.