
Energy Star Rule Your Attic GraphicIn 9 out of 10 homes across America, low levels of insulation are causing comfort problems and wasting homeowners’ money with high energy bills.* To help homeowners take control over high utility bills this heating season, Pest Control Insulation, LLC is teaming up with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ENERGY STAR® program to launch its Rule Your Attic! Campaign.

Now in its third year, Rule Your Attic! is a multi-media, consumer-focused outreach campaign that utilizes the reach of social media to help homeowners understand the benefits of sealing and insulating their attics and encouraging action by working with a pest control operator. Energy Star® and Pest Control Insulation are providing homeowners with the tools and resources they need to properly seal and insulate their homes.

Most homeowners don’t realize how much money they are throwing away over something that has such a simple solution,” said Doug Anderson, Project Manager of the Energy Star® Seal and Insulate team. “Sealing air leaks and adding insulation to recommended levels in the attic or basement (or crawlspace) can save homeowners up to 11% on their annual utility bills…even more if you live in a Northern climate.” The campaign kicks off October 3 – November 18 and will continue again from January 2 – 27.

We are excited to partner with Energy Star® for the third year in a row to raise awareness and equip homeowners with the information and resources to protect their most treasured investment – their home,” shares Matt Paul, Marketing Manager for Pest Control insulation, “Since 2001, PCI and our pest control clients have provided a solution for homeowners with three benefits in one – a complete thermal barrier, robust acoustic properties, and the added layer of a permanent pest control.”

Throughout the campaign, EPA and Pest Control Insulation will share tips, graphics, and “how-to” videos on the Facebook and Twitter accounts to help homeowners maximize the energy efficiency of their home by sealing and insulating their home’s attic. In addition, homeowners who post photos of their attic insulation to social media will receive customized advice. This feedback will encourage homeowners to make a decision about next steps—whether that’s adding more insulation, completing a partial or full attic restoration, or understanding how to put money back into their wallet through energy savings.

About Pest Control Insulation

Pest Control Insulation, makers of Thermal Acoustical Pest Control (TAP®) Insulation, began in 2001 and provides turnkey equipment packages for Pest Management Professionals and Wildlife Professionals alike as well as training and support. Dedicated to providing new revenue opportunities through innovative, environmentally responsible, and highly valued pest control systems for homeowners and commercial customers, Pest Control Insulation supports companies nationwide. Visit TAPinsulation.com to see how Pest Control Insulation will complement your current business offerings.


Energy Star® is the simple choice for energy efficiency achievements. For more than 20 years, people across America have looked to EPA’s Energy Star® program for guidance on how to save energy, save money, and protect the environment. Behind each blue label is a product, building, or home that is independently certified to use less energy and cause fewer of the emissions that contribute to climate change. Today, Energy Star® is a widely recognized symbol for energy efficiency, helping families and businesses save $362 billion on utility bills, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions by more than 2.4 billion metric tons since 1992. Join the millions who are already making a difference at energystar.gov.

*Compared to 2006 IECC standards, Source: Boston University and NAIMA

See the full article on PMP Magazine Online.

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