
With the last of the millennials entering college last fall (August 2017), the workforce is being flooded with these bright-eyed and talented opportunists. Pest Control and Wildlife Control companies across the nation are slowly learning how to effectively engage and motivate millennial employees to sell.

Technology is a Must

With many being plugged-in since birth, millennials embrace technology and are very adept in making it work for their benefit. Allowing them to use smart phones and tablets in their sales process over the standard marketing brochures and collateral puts them in a more comfortable driver’s seat. Transition your sales aids into a digital format to give them an edge in the sales field.

The use of technology in training and reporting of sales functions is also critical to their sales success. Speak their language and embrace their unique learning styles even though it is not the way you have done it in the past. Technology can be a strong sales and training asset when used appropriately.

Feed their Mindset

Millennials might be entitled and self-confident. This can be a strength as well. Once they believe in something, they have no problem sharing it with others and gaining their buy-in. However, millennial employees want to feel good about what and who they are representing. Therefore, pest control and wildlife companies should focus on their social responsibility and sustainable solutions plans. Management team’s response to disgruntled clients or a diverse work culture is a clear way to gain trust. Millennial employees want to know that the customers they bring to the business will be treated ethically and fairly no matter the cost.

Relationships Sell

Millennials are skeptical when they feel like they are being sold or when they perceive that another party is manipulating their buying choices. Therefore, relationship selling is critical. Allow them the opportunity and flexibility to build relationships with potential customers first. This plays to their strengths. Through these relationships, they will be able to exceed their sales quotas and find new avenues for new business.

Partner your millennial employees with seasoned staff to create a synergy that is beneficial to everyone. A company is only as strong as the workforce behind it.

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