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Mice Chewing Electrical Wires in the AtticYour attic’s insulation can be easily damaged in a number of ways resulting in a reduction of the overall benefit of the insulation. Damage can even create hazardous health concerns within your home.

The relative warmth of your attic in the winter, as compared to the outside, can be an attractive place for small animals and insects to hide leaving behind feces and other materials and creating a health hazard in your home.  Additionally, soft and fluffy fiber glass insulation in your attic can be blown around by air entering through the officiants which reduces the overall performance and benefit of the insulation.

Your attic’s insulation should be inspected on a regular basis by a professional who can identify these problems and offer energy-smart and health-conscious solutions.  If it has been a while since your attic has been inspected or if you think you might have a problem in your attic, ask your pest management professional to perform an inspection the next time they are visiting your home.

If you need assistance in finding a company to inspect or remove the insulation from your attic, feel free to CONTACT US, and we will identify a PROVIDER in your area.

Below are a few examples of problems that can occur with your attic insulation, and reasons for removal:

  • According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), humans can become infected with diseases from rodents when they are exposed to fresh urine, droppings, saliva, or nesting materials. When the droppings are moved around, spores can become airborne and enter the human body through inhalation, eyes and ears. Airflow could also potentially create this same effect.​​​
  • Disturbed or damaged insulation costs you money in energy bills and invites moisture damage.
  • Uneven insulation and leaky duct work make your HVAC system work harder and robs you of comfort and money.​
  • ​Animal presence in the attic means urine and feces – and even animal carcasses – giving off odors. Homeowner’s may be living with a litter box right above their heads!​
  • The animals and their residue attract insects, mold, bacteria and other microorganisms which feed and breed on organic wastes.​
  • According to the USDA, “Since free-roaming wildlife does not receive veterinary care, all species can carry diseases and parasites.”​
  • Among these hazards, the USDA cites fleas, ticks, lice, mites, tuberculosis, histoplasmosis, and encephalitis. Children and pets are particularly at risk from these conditions.

This is why TAP® Pest Control Insulation is the wise choice for your home and your family! Make the decision to get your attic inspected today!

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