High humidity encourages the growth of mold and mildew. These factors can invite a family of Booklice into your home. Tapper recently sat down to talk with four of the Booklice he found around your home to see what they had to say:

Tapper: Dave, tell us why you’ve been hanging out under this old wallpaper here.
Dave: Well, Tapper, I love to eat wallpaper paste. The humidity in this house often leads to sweaty walls and really promotes the growth of mold and mildew, even behind the wallpaper.
Tapper: Wow, that’s crazy. What is something that most people don’t know about Booklice?
Dave: Most people don’t realize that we booklice aren’t actually lice because we don’t feast on blood. We are also known as psocids, barklice, or paperlice. My brothers and sisters who live in the great outdoors prefer to live under the bark of trees, thus the name barklice.
Tapper: That’s very interesting, Dave! What do you like most about living inside?
Dave: I like the fact that I have a roof over my family’s heads and there is plenty of mold and mildew for all of us to eat.

Tapper: Amy, we found you on the windowsill next to a potted plant. Tell us why you chose this place in the house.
Amy: Tapper, I just love how much mold and fungi there is next to or inside of potted plants. Most humans don’t realize the mold and fungi growing inside of their potted plants. Plus, they continue to add moisture and don’t remove the water that drains out of the bottom of the pot.
Tapper: I guess I never payed any attention to the amount of moisture in and around my potted plants. Is this area a good environment for laying eggs?
Amy: This windowsill is great for egg-laying. The warmth from the sun coming in through the window combined with the humidity here is optimal for hatching eggs quickly. It usually takes less than 4 weeks for my eggs to reach adulthood here.
Tapper: How many eggs have you laid so far in your life?
Amy: I’ve laid about 45 eggs so far.

Tapper: Hey there, Barry. Tell the people why you love books so much.
Barry: Tapper, I love books so much because they don’t get moved around very often. The big ones are my favorite. In this humid house, they are great for growing mold, especially around the glue in the spine. Moldy book glue is my favorite food so far.
Tapper: How do you get up to the shelves that the books are on? Can you fly or jump?
Barry: I can’t fly or jump, but I can run really fast. I don’t have any wings.
Tapper: Do you ever bite any of the humans?
Barry: I don’t bite, I promise! I also don’t carry any diseases or damage food or fabric. Most people just think I’m gross or annoying.

Tapper: Rachel, you hatched just 4 days ago. What has been your favorite part of exploring this house.
Rachel: Well, I really like the kitchen. I found an open bag of cereal yesterday that I really like. It’s nice and damp and dark in the cabinet that it’s in and there’s lots of mold! There’s even a little drip drip of water coming from the pipes for the sink!
Tapper: Wow, you seem to have found the best place in the whole house! What are you looking forward to when you grow up?
Rachel: I can’t wait to start laying eggs. I’m going to lay the most eggs ever!
Tapper: That’s a great thing for you to strive for! What other areas of the house do you want to explore?
Rachel: I think I might go check out the leather couch sometime. There’s a lot of mold growing in between the cushions!
Booklice may not be harmful to you, but they are a nuisance, especially in humid environments. Reducing the humidity can help, but the best way to control Booklice and other self-grooming insects is with TAP® Pest Control Insulation. Contact us to find a provider near you!